Please read the following before sending an album submission request. Any requests violating the rules will be ignored.
If any digital gear is used in the recording process, then the album does not belong on this site. An example: "Thriller" by Michael Jackson saw release on many analog formats. Though much of its production used analog gear, certain digital instruments (like Casio synths) were used. That disqualifies that album from this database entirely. Many albums that use forms of sampling and other digital signal processing also end up on analog formats (DDA) when they're not supposed to. If an album uses ANY digital processing, it should not be on this list.
Many older albums that are true AAA see popular remasters and re-releases that are actually AAD format, that are then bounced back to analog. Though this is an improper technique for remastering, it is acceptable for this list as long as they are specified between which release(s) are analog or digital. Discogs and other release catalog sites are useful places to get this info.
We recognize that not all AAA recordings have analog releases right away. Many are released digitally as AAD before they have the time to be released on analog formats. If you have evidence that an album is AAA without an actual analog release, please specify through citation. For example: "De Todas Las Flores" by Natalia Lafourcade (AAA) only was released digitally for a year before a vinyl release was issued. If a similar situation occurs, a user may submit a change request when such a release happens.
Single releases (such as 45s) ARE allowed, however if they are songs featured from LPs, they cannot exist as their own listing, and should be listed under releases of their respective LP. If a single is released as a single only (seen in many disco releases), it may be classified as its own "Album." Please no compilation albums, unless they contain songs that were previously unreleased (such as "Cookin' with Miles Davis").
Even if an album is recorded in AAA, we do not advocate for fake releases. Please do not list any bootlegs, DJ pressings, or home recordings. If you have any of these, dump them on another site like the Internet Archive.
We do not discriminate on genre, critical reception, language, artist, sales numbers, etc. If you know of an album that was recorded AAA that may not be known to everyone, that's okay!